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Sunday, September 17, 2006


The People in world that you can always fall back on is yours, friends the people you choose to be in your life, they know everything about you and they know how you would react to certain things and will always help you out!!!!!

But there is a difference between what you would call a friend and a true friend!!!!!!!!!

A friend are the people you can call every know and then say lets go for a drink sometimes and catch up you know them but you don't really have anything to do with there lives and you are not in it long enough to want to. But a true friend are the people that know you, your life and your heart these are the people that know you, the ones who you invite round to help after a break up or a quite willing to let you do anything to them and they will still come back for more (within a certain limit I mean everyone has there line!!) the ones you would trust with your life.

How many of these friends do you have?????? The ones that know you as well as you know yourself it is said on average that you will get only 5 of these true friends in your life time!!!! and as much as i would like to disagree it is quite true!!!!

Count the people that you can trust with anything in your life on one hand!!! Can you do it????? It really does show who you can trust in this world and I think anybody who says they have more than 5 really need to look again and really look and think what do they acctually know and do I trust them enough to have any part of me?????


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