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Sunday, December 31, 2006

I Think That I am Ready


Me and my boyfriend have been dating over a year now, and I think that I am ready to have sex, but I aint sure, he is a nice guy, but I dont wanna get prgnant or anything!!!!! How will I know when I am ready?

Adrian Says.............................

If you can answser yes to all these ten questions then I would say then, your pretty much ready for it.

1- Are you doing it because you want to???
And not because you think everyone else is, or because your partner and your friends are pressuring you to do it.

2- Do you know them well enough???
How well do you know about their past what what they got up to, have they been truthful.

3- Is it Legal?
Are you both at the age of consent, to have sex

Do I feel comfortable enough with my partner to do this, and to do it sober?
Are you ok with him/her seeing you naked, and you won't get embaresed, also if you are drunk, it surgests that your probably not ready.

Do I know enough about sex?

Do you know the consequences of sex like, pregnacy STD's

Will I be glad when I’m older that I lost my virginity at the age I am now?

Will you look back and go " shouldn't have done that when I did!"

Do I know how to have sex safely?

Have you got all the prcautions for sex.

8-Can I talk to my partner about sex?

If you can't then don't

9- Do we both want to do this?

If you are both ok about it, because for sex to be good you both need to be willing.

Does sex fit in with my/their personal beliefs?

In the culture you came from, does it feel right from your cultures point of view.


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